Saturday, September 02, 2006

Does fighting splogs mean that google et al are the only search engines we'll ever have

Hi peas on toast,

Thanks for the email regarding your copyrite of your blog. I'm the owner of and sincerly don't mean to upset anyone.

I've removed peas on toast RSS feed from my aggregator. I hope the exhibition of your work on grantavenue helped bring you more readers.

Oh, and thanks for the headsup on no email address. There are a number of places where my phone number is listed, but I can see that requires some clarification.

I'm gonna post this and a bit from some research I've done on my blog, so that my apology and your comments staylive. I want to work out the difference between say what I'm doing and Technorati, IceRocket and Bloglines.

best regards from norwood.


On 9/1/06, Peas On Toast wrote:

Hi Tony

I came across your site Grant today with quite a few
cuttings and pastings from my blog

Two questions: Just for interest, why is it relevant to your site? I'd
be interested to know. (I am very flattered nonetheless!)

And secondly, please could you link my site to yours or make clear
reference to my site at each posting. I realise you have a link that
directs people t my site, but I'd like more refernce than that - as in
my actual blog name at the beginning or end of these exceprts. They
are my personals writings and rantings afterall, so I do feel this is
fair. I'm sure you can understand why.

Let me know if you have any problems with doing this.

Kind regards,
Peas On Toast

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