Thursday, September 07, 2006

WOZA news
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P O Box 248, Hythe, SO45 4WX, United Kingdom

LONDON - A great show of solidarity with the protest back home. We were relieved that the MDC march on Parliament ended without bloodshed and excited that peaceful confrontation with the regime had reached a new stage, following the example of the brave WOZA demonstrations. The atmosphere was charged.
Despite Zimfest being held in London and an MDC fundraiser in Milton Keynes we were overwhelmed with support, including two carloads from Leicester. It is so good to welcome new people every week, each of them bringing their own energy. As one of the organisers of the “Make Poverty History” campaign pointed out this week, if enough of us stand up to be counted it will have a big impact. Individual acts make a difference: Robert Kennedy said “It sends forth a tiny ripple of hope building to a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance”.
Everyone is keyed up with the sense that something is going to happen. They are reaching out to each other and thinking always about the people back home. We want them to know that we are with them and doing everything we can to help, such as motivating MPs here to put pressure on the government to keep the Zimbabwe crisis in mind – even though we know the Middle East and other issues pushes us from the headlines. FOR THE RECORD: 81 signed the register.

For this week’s Vigil pictures:

Saturday, 9th September, 10 am – 5 pm. MDC-UK Congress to elect MDC-UK leadership. All elected members of UK branches are invited. Venue: Oxford Brookes University, Cheney School, Cheney Lane, Headington, Oxford.

Monday, 11th September, Central London Zimbabwe Forum. Upstairs at the Theodore Bullfrog pub, 28 John Adam Street, London WC2.

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